The Schoolchildren

The Schoolchildren

Léry-Poses in Normandy is the ideal place for outdoor sporting activities at school level. The base hosts Classes découvertes (primary schools) focusing on the environment, but also offers Stages de plein air (primary schools, collèges, lycées) for kayaking, sailing, climbing, waterskiing and archery. All our activities are supervised by state-certified leisure park instructors.

Accommodation - Catering

If your school is located in a commune in the Eure department, you can benefit from 50% aid from the department for discovery classes and outdoor courses.

You can now consult our educational programme documentation with our various activities by clicking here

A Formule à la carte allows you to build a holiday project tailored to your educational choices.

Below is a typical schedule for a week of discovery classes, which can be adapted and modified to make the most of your week.

During your stay, you will be able to take advantage of activities at the water sports centre and park: climbing, sailing, canoeing and kayaking and archery**.

Secondary school pupils also have access to extra activities in addition to those offered to primary school children: golf, ski lift, extreme course, mountain biking, windsurfing, paddle and more.

Here is an example of a possible timetable for discovery class trips (primary): Exemple de planning pour les classes découvertes


Our various group accommodations are available for school groups, making your stay practical and comfortable. The accommodation is located close to the activity sites so that travel time is kept to a minimum and you can make the most of the week.

Group accommodation :

  • The nautical centre
  • The regional youth and sport centre
  • The youth reception point


The restaurant L'Ondine is open to school groups all year round. It can accommodate up to 180 people, including 100 in the dining rooms**. The restaurant has a terrace with a magnificent view over Lac du Mesnil.

The self-service restaurant serves breakfasts, lunches, snacks and dinners. Packed lunches can also be taken away. Wide choice of starters, 2 main courses, cheese and desserts.

Départ vers le Tir à l'arc.jpg

Image de l'intérieur du restaurant de Lery

Lien documents Ecole